Cool of the Day

Volcano & Ice, by Caroline Tavelli-Abar. Used by permission

Summer in Vermont: what could be cooler?!

Join us July 22-24, 2022 for our summer tour of classical music and new music inspired by Jean Ritchie's folk song, "Now is the Cool of the Day" which we’ll sing for you.

We welcome back our friend and virtuoso percussionist, Thomas Kozumplik, last featured with Heliand in 2019 for our Nico Muhly project.

Cool of the Day includes music by Franz Josef Haydn (arranged by our own Katie Oprea), Clémence de Grandval, Jenni Brandon, Padma Newsome, and Chick Corea.

Also on the program: the World Premiere of “Nuts” (2022), a newly commissioned piece written for Heliand and Thomas Kozumplik by composer Molly Leach. We’re so thrilled to share her new piece with you!

“Volcano & Ice” (2009) by Vermont artist, Caroline Tavelli-Abar, provides a visual counterpoint to our program. The evocative and energetic painting captures the brilliant, pent-up ‘cool’ of a midsummer’s heat.


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